Monday, June 30, 2014

Handedness and a final thought on inteligence testing

    One thing not mentioned in any type of intelligence testing is handedness.  I have heard IQ tests being criticized for being culturally or racially biased and that may be the case but no one has mentioned let handed people.  I am left handed and have been doing some research about left vs right handed people.  The first thing that jumps out at me is the statistic that only around 10% of the world's population is left handed, meaning naturally our world has been built to cater to right handed people, beyond that or a long time left handed people were even stigmatized and feared.
     So it seems fair that there is likely a flaw in regards to handedness in IQ testing as well.  This hunch is reinforced when you look deeper into what handedness means.  Right handed people are left brain dominant while right handed people are right brain dominant-this in regards to the left and right brain hemispheres.  The brain hemispheres are not the same, they contain control centers for different things, that's not to say skill grounded on one side aren't usable by someone dominant in the other hemisphere, just that they will generally be stronger in those things grounded in their dominant hemisphere.
     I found that many of the left brain traits are measured in the IQ testing however many right  brain traits are neglected.  This may be in part due to the fact that the left brain stuff is easier to measure.  Regardless it is interesting and yet another variable in this discussion.  It seems to get more accurate results left and right handed people would need to be tested differently.  Or at least have an equal number of left and right brain strengths be measured but as it is now it seems very slanted.

     Like most things regarding how the mind works brain dominance is still not fully understood but what is for sure is that left handed people definitely think differently and perhaps see the world differently.   For some more detailed information here is an interesting article:

 For some interesting facts about left handed people in general check out this very interesting list:



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