Sunday, June 29, 2014

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple inteligences (More info)

    Here is a link( with some pretty detailed info about the multiple intelligences theory I mentioned in my previous post.I don't think there is any perfect measure of such an abstract and debatable concept as intelligence but I do like this approach.

     It seems with Gardner's theory it would be easier to find people's strengths and weaknesses; this could be very helpful in education as different people respond better or worse to various teaching styles as well as subjects.

     For example, If someone scored poorly in math but excelled in linguistics it seems logical that trying to teach them advanced mathematics would most likely just be a waste of time, however they may excel in writing and math wouldn't be important at all to them.  I people's strengths were isolated in a test rather than by trial and error through education they could spend their time focusing on sharpening strengths and leave the things they are weak at to other people who are strong at them and vice versa.  Gardner's categories would certainly be more useful than the far less specific definitions of intelligence used in tests like the WAIS.

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