Friday, June 13, 2014

How is it not malpractice?

How can psychiatrists get away with prescribing drugs that often don't work and can cause death while simultaneously ignoring their patients thoughts when the only evidence they have is anecdotal?  How is ignoring the possibility of less dangerous potential treatment options in exchange for pushing more profitable ones any way ethical?  Do psychiatrists skip the Hippocratic oath or do they think its a joke?  How have none of these monsters been charged with malpractice for the poisons they deal and call medicines? How is calling psych drugs medicines not considered false advertisement?  Medicines are supposed to correct problems, most psych drugs just tranquilize, only the feeling isn't exactly tranquil.  How the FUCK can any medical doctor honestly believe that amphetamines, benzodiazapines, anti-psychotics, SSRIs, etc are safer options than natural NON TOXIC alternative medicines?  They can't be that stupid, they wouldn't have gotten through med school if they were.  I am convinced the only explanation for pill pushing alternative medicine bashing doctors is corruption and abuse of their position.  They are dirtier than the guy selling crack in an alley, but they have that doctorate so people take their word like its scripture.  They are the sneakiest drug dealers in town but as far as the law is concerned what they are doing is fine.  There is no justice in psychiatry.  I dare a psychiatrist to prove me wrong!

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